Denver Quarterly is interested in terrain-shifting work relating to theory and praxis. Critique submissions should provoke questions about our assumptions and inherited positions of literary works and beyond, with a close examination of artistic and theoretical paradigms and the ways in which we consider and approach our usual way of engaging the arts and the world. Critiques may be a traditional essay form, or can work in a visionary manner of your choice.

DQ's 2022-23 Editorial Assistants in Critiques are Ruby Pucillo and Monroe Lawrence.


  • Critiques should generally consist of no more than 3,500 words. 
  • Please use MLA style for your references.
  • If you are including quotations of more than two lines of poetry, including an image, or a paragraph of prose, please seek permissions for each quotation before submitting your essay.
  • If you are submitting with particular formatting, we recommend saving your file as a PDF.
  • Please submit only one piece to one category for our consideration, and please wait until you have heard back from us before submitting again.
  • Simultaneous submissions are permitted, and please notify us promptly if your work has been accepted elsewhere by adding a note withdrawing your piece in Submittable. We do not review previously published work.
We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.