Denver Quarterly seeks to offer a platform for rich dialogue between two or more entities. This may include authors, practitioners from other artistic disciplines, or compelling figures in any discipline, practice, or trade, and may be orchestrated around a specific topic. Conversations should stimulate discussion around issues relevant to contemporary artistic life and production, offer insightful or challenging reflections (or both), or otherwise engage generative substance for our readership. Feel free to email us at to pitch conversation ideas or ask any questions.

DQ's 2022-23 Editorial Assistants in Conversations are Frankie Beasley and Nazli Koca.


  • Conversations should be edited to between 3,000-4,000 words in length.
  • If you are submitting with particular formatting, we recommend saving your file as a PDF.
  • Please submit only one piece to one category for our consideration, and please wait until you have heard back from us before submitting again.
  • Simultaneous submissions are permitted, and please notify us promptly if your work has been accepted elsewhere by adding a note withdrawing your piece in Submittable. We do not read previously published work
We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.